Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas Wish

Its that time of year again :) CHRISTMAS

It still seems far though because of school and all the events that are going on in my life right now. Just thinking about Christmas reminds me of the years when I was smaller and I got all these toys and money that my mom would take from me. She would say "Anak.. give me your money.. Ill hold it for you so you don't lose it." however i would never see that money ever again :(

It sucks that (well I dont know if this happens to everyone buh it happens to me haha) as I get older less and less presents are under the Christmas tree. Also, I dont even get any presents anymore :( sighhhh -__-

Because of it, Christmas has been sorta dead to me these past few years. The excitement that I used to get every Christmas, coming home to fam and relatives, smelling sweet pumpkin pie, a fireplace burning, Christmas music, hot cocoa, and the warmth of belonging that comes with a hug from those that you truly love has diminished throughout these past few years.

It sucks. Everyones broke and more and more people are becoming reluctant to give this season due to their financial insecurities. I understand that now that I have a job. haha

There are soo many things that I want and so many things that I need. I feel reluctant to give this Christmas and instead just use all the money that I save up on myself. Thats selfish though. However, I shouldnt be selfish this Christmas. This season is to give. If people don't Give the Christmas Spirit would die just like the spirit kinda died inside of me those past years.

Even though I want to give to everyone and make everyone feel the Christmas spirit. I cannot satisfy everyone with my cheap ass paychecks haha. so Imma do my best and give as much as I can :)

I think thatll bring back the Christmas in me :)

so make someone feel special this Christmas and get him/her a gift :)


1 comment:

  1. I feel the same, don't even worry about it. It all has a way of working itself out in the end. =]
