Sunday, February 14, 2010


Valentines day Lunch with Parents:

So today on the way home from BJ's with the parents. My dad talking bout money again and lately ive been feeling that im not up for nursing. Im not saying that i feel like I can't do it. Anyone can do anything. What im saying is im starting to think that maybe nursing isnt for me For the following reasons:

1. Im not a multitasker!
2. Im not clutch hahah
3. Its all about skill

Lemme clarify some things
Knowing myself, im Not good at multitasking. I tend to get focused on one thing and forget about others. As a nurse there are multiple patients that you must attend too. haha i dont want to forget about treating them. Yea i can easily write up a note and stuff to remind myself buh i think it would kinda stress me out cuz I like patterns and a set schedule. I know when imma be working as a nurse everyday could be a different schedule. This throws off my performance some how because it stresses me out haha.

I wouldnt want to be working on patients when im not performing my best.

Also nursing involves alot of skill in patient care. i know that when your on the job you do not experience or perform every single skill or practice you learned in nursing school. I need repetition in order to be very clutch and skillfull in my patient care. With that said, when im on the job, its expected that I can do everything buh since i dont do everything every single day routinely overtime my skill in patient care would not be very skillful in the end haha. Thats another stress that affects my performance. In addition to that any mistakes i make would make me liable and i could lose my liscense and get sued haha fuckk!

soo With all this thinking i thought about changing my major to nutrition :D

because no patient skill practices are needed. just doing paperwork and figuring out what patients should eat due to their circumstances. I find this a much easier and less stressful job as compared to a nurse. they both make about the same money sooo why not?


Imma get either one of these degrees if not all!

Cal State LA Bound :)
Nutritional Science B.S.
Nutritional Science with option in coordinated dietetics B.S.
Nutritional Science with option in Nutrition B.S.

Cal State LB Bound :)
Dietetics and Food Administration B.S. with food science option
Dietetics and Food Administration B.S. with Nutrition and Dietetics option

Cal State SF Bound :)
Diatetics B.S.

I havnt really decided which school i want to go to yet. buh they all sound really good :)

so this is where im at now

thanks for readin
hope you guys enjoyed

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