Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Hello readers. As you have read earlier this is a LATE BLOG...

sooo yeaaa basically this blog that im writing is about what happened on saturday and sunday :D


FUCKKKk! its been a while since then so i barely remember shit.. buhhh basically i think what happened was me and tenma went out with my cousin tim, adrian and lawrence to cabazon.. yess thats what happened. :D and before we went i was kinda contemplating on not going because i had work later like round 5 and we were going to leave round 2pm -_-

So I thought about it and realized "heyyy theres no freeway traffic going to cabazon and going back to mo val soo ill be able to go" sooo i was happy because now i can go :D yay.

so we went to cabazon and i got some vans yay finally buh thennnn we went to converse the store and i ended up buying some converses :D yay so i ran all the way back to the other side of cabazon and returned the vans and kept my converses :D yeeeeyaaa

heres some pics :D



soo yeaaa then we went home and i got ready for work

At work:
I made a bitch asss delivery. soo on the receipt it did not notify me that the place i was delivering to was a fucking apartment. i was looking for a house and then i realized that theres no fucking houses so it must be those apartments. i check the reciept it has the same address as the apartment building so i call the person to ask where there room is. to my surprise they gave us the wrong number because it said "ddd! im sorry the number u have called is currently ...... etc" so im like the fuck! how am i going to deliver this shit its going to get cold so i get down and look at the directory and notice that it has only the last names. so i look at the name on the receipt and notice that we only got down the first name.... "FUCKKK MY LIFE"

soo i called my manager and he told me to come back

then an hour later they call back complaining and shit and we make em a brand new pizza and i get sent out again to give it to them...

when i get there i find out that there are like thousands of apartment buildings in that community. the building that i had to go to was labelled B and there was about like half the alphabet in the fucking place cuz it went up to building J. A-J wow! it took me fucking 30 minutes to fucking find that bitch ass apartment and they gave no tip fuckkk u!!!

After work:PARTY!!!!

Happy birthday! sorry forgot their names fill in blank? ______________
i know one of them was named mary :) or is it marie? fuck idk buh yeaaaa hahah

Anyways hahah it was soo funny that night cuz people were dancing and shuai is fucking fucked up hahaha. i see him grinding on this girl, well it appeared more like he was fucking her hahaha from behnd and thats what made it sooo funny like they were dancing buhhh shuai was thrusting hahahaha. LMFAO!! yess thats the shit right there. food was awesome!! i had like a whole rack of ribs made for me cuz i asked :D yess im a fatass yuko and dianna saw :D hahaha

btw quote from that night
"Im a drunk ass bitch!"

-Melissa de mesa

Sooo many PICS!!!






















then i brought home this girl and angie haha sorrry i forgot that other girls name and tenma went with christina to dennys. then i met up with them at dennys they tell me it was closed then me and tenma went home

me and tenma try to wake up at round 9am for 10 o'clock mass at st. christophers. that was FAIL! haha i woke up and fell back asleep. sooo we went to st patricks twelve o'clock mass. it turns out it was freaking packed with mexicans. dont know why and! they were speaking spanish. Tenma was like i understand lil spanish buh not really. haha so i was like lets just go to church later soo we left and went to moreno valley mall and all these places. umm i think i was looking for a barrel? hahha whatever, if i was i didnt find it :/

lammme -_______-


Highlight of the day:

Blase gets his head caught in his backpack.
Story: tenma comes back inside from smoking and he sees blase with the backpack and his head hahah and hes crying asking for help. then tenma comes to me and says look look look so funny blase's head is stuck hahahahahah lmfao. i say wtf and run up the stairs and get my camera


Hope you guys enjoyed

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